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Various Kinds of Locks that are Commonly Found in Homes, Automobiles, and Businesses

Barrington Locksmith

Without a doubt, people are surrounded by an abundance of locks every day of their lives. This includes when they are home, in their car or at work. It would probably be safe to safe that most people can see a lock from where they are at almost any time of the night day. This is a good thing too because locks play a key role in keeping people safe and secure. It would be hard to imagine a world without them. This article will discuss some of the most common types of locks that people use.

Mechanical Locks

  • Keyed locks

    By far the most common types of locks in use are keyed mechanical locks. They have been around for many centuries now protecting people and their belongings. Keyed locks are used on doorways, safes, filing cabinets, and a variety of other places in homes, businesses, and on cars. They come in all different shapes and sizes and they also offer various levels of security. Although electronic locks are quickly gaining on key locks in popularity, don’t expect keyed locks to disappear anytime soon.
  • Deadbolts

    Deadbolt locks are some of the toughest types of locks that are made. They are made out of thick steel and installed using reinforced metal plates. They can be used as a stand-alone locking device or as secondary lock protection on doorways. These locks are very hard to force open and they are also one of the hardest types of locks to pick. They are very popular for everything from home to business use.
  • Panic Door/Fire Exit Locks

    Commercial property owners are tasked with doing whatever they can to make their buildings as safe as possible. That is why so many businesses install panic bar locks and fire exit locks on their emergency exit doors. Both of these types of locks make it very simple for the people inside the building to egress out of it in the event of an emergency. These locks open simply and fire exit locks will even sound an alarm to indicate there is an emergency in the building.

Electronic Locking Devices

  • Keycard locks

    It was mentioned that electronic locks are quickly gaining in popularity and one of the most commonly found electronic locking devices are keycard locks. These make it very simple to open a door or gain access to some type of secure area. All a person has to do is swipe or place near the lock the magnetic sensors on these devices. They are very popular for use in such places as parking garages, multi-unit dwellings, and for providing entry into secure areas of a business.
  • Keypad Locks

    Electronic keypad locks are another type of locking device that is very convenient to use. These are activated by punching a key code into them to get a lock open. They are found protecting home doorways, business warehouse doors, and even on automobile doors. Many people also like them because they offer better security than keyed locks and they are a little more stylish than other types of locks.
  • Radio Signal Triggered Locks

    These are the types of locks that are found on cars. They are more commonly known as transponder locks. That's because they communicate with a host vehicle by means of radio signal. With just a press of a button on a key someone can open their car doors, pop the trunk, and even turn on or off the car alarm.
  • Biometric Locks

    Biometric locks are another type of lock that is fast gaining in popularity. They work by using retina or fingerprint scans. Since no two people have the same fingerprint or retina pattern, it makes these some very secure locking devices. Already they are popular for use on computers, smart phones, and on gun safes. They certainly be used for many other locking purposes than this in the very near future.


Locks That Offer Increased Security

  • Bump-Proof Locks

    Here is a specialty lock that is designed to make homes harder to break into. For years thieves used a method known as ‘bumping a lock’ to gain access into homes and commercial buildings. They would use rough key blanks shoved into a key hole and then a thief would tap hard the end of these blanks. This would then force the tumbler on the door lock to move and then the door opens. Bump-proof locks were designed to prevent ‘bumping’ from happening.
  • Sidewinder Locks

    Another very sophisticated lock type is sidewinder locks. They are very different than standard cut keys in that they do not have grooves cut into the edges of the key. Instead a laser device is used to make a channel in the side of the keys and the edges remain smooth. Locks that use these types of keys are very hard to pick.
  • High-security window locks

    Many people feel safe when their factory made windows are shut and locked. Unfortunately this is not always the case with factory window locks. That’s why many times a locksmith will suggest to their customers that they install these types of advanced locks on their windows.

A Locksmith Can Help You with Any Type of Lock or Key Problem

So who is the best professional to call to come to help you when you have a lock or key problem? If you guessed a well-trained locksmith you would be right. There are just so many reasons to call a locksmith for lock or key assistance. For one they are lock and key experts. They also carry a wide variety of lock and key parts right on their service vehicles. Quite simply put, locksmiths are experts when it comes to handling lock and key issues.

A locksmith will usually make themselves available 24-hours a day too. Locksmith companies such as Barrington Locksmith out of Barrington, Illinois always have a locksmith available to do emergency service calls 24/7, 365. This even includes emergency locksmith service late at night, on holidays, and on weekends.

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Arlington HeightsChicagoCiceroDes PlainesElginGaryHammondNaperville, PalatineSchaumburg  and  Waukegan