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Importance of having a gun safe

Barrington Locksmith

Do you have or need a gun safe at your Barrington home or business? With guns being in the news so much lately, the thought may have crossed your mind. There’s no time like the present to get one as gun safes are becoming mainstream and better priced than ever before. But do you really need one? Is having a gun safe a status symbol or worse, does it make you a target?

Why get a gun safe?

Our overall best answer to that question is do you have guns, ammo or firearms at home or at your place of business? If you do, you need a gun safe. Take out all the vanity factors, and burglary fears; if you have weapons, especially loaded ones on your property you need a gun safe to protect them and you, too! Think carefully, what is your goal for your guns? Are they part of a collection that you would like displayed? Are they part of a family heirloom that you treasure because they were given to you or handed down by a loved one? Or, is your gun collection more of a security factor? Do you have guns because you want to protect yourself, your loved ones, guests or staff? All are good reasons to own guns and to also put them securely in a gun safe or cabinet.

What is a gun safe?

The word “safe” conjures pictures of large metal boxes filled with cash and other valuables. A gun safe is just one of those; only instead of stacks of 100 dollar bills, you have guns, rifles, ammunition and other firearms of all kinds. Gun safes can be small, for one or two weapons, or large; showcasing an entire collection. These locking cabinets are as varied and unique as their owners and before you purchase one and have it installed, you should carefully examine your gun safe motives and goals; doing so will help you in your purchasing and installation choices. These in turn will save you money and make your gun safe options better suited to your individual needs. Who knows? During a burglary or home invasion, you may be glad you opted for your particular gun safe and the lock that protects it.

Kids at home

One of the biggest reasons for getting a locking gun safe is to keep them out of the hands of the wrong people. Loaded weapons and children do not mix! The kids can be playful and in their innocence, fail to realize the seriousness of handing a weapon. Every year accidents at home involving a loaded weapon occur and the majority of these wouldn’t have happened if the gun was securely locked away in a gun safe.

Other reasons

Neighbors can be nosy, teens can be irresponsible and intruders can steal, injure and even kill. Domestic violence can be intensified with the loose and careless handling of a loaded weapon. Then, there’s the responsibility of the gun’s owner to keep them out of the wrong hands. Gun shootings are happening with greater frequency in recent times and the efforts to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable and dangerous people is getting increased attention. If an irresponsible party shoots someone or does damage to others with your gun it can bring legal and even criminal repercussions.


But what if I need a gun in a hurry?

We get asked this question a lot. At first, it makes sense that if you need access to a loaded weapon in a hurry, you might have trouble getting to it because of first having to get to your gun safe, and then bypass the lock in order to use it. Let’s say a burglar enters your home at night and you notice while still in bed. You can’t get to your gun safe in the living room without being noticed so what do you do? In your stress, how are you supposed to remember the key code or number sequence needed to open your gun safe? Not to worry! If you work with a licensed, bonded and insured, full-service locksmith shop like ours, this is no problem. The locksmith technicians helping you with your gun safe selection and purchase can also assist you in choosing the right location for it in your home so that it can be accessed strategically by you when best needed. They can also go over the choice of locks with you as some locks like biometric ones can be unlocked and opened in mere seconds with no combination or key code to remember or key to locate.

Other uses

You don’t have to use your gun safe for just guns. You can put literally anything inside your gun safe including cash, documents, receipts, valuable records, software, gift cards, treasured mementos, old letters, watches, rings and other jewelry, rare coins, gold bars, silver, art pieces, birth and death certificates, passports, deeds of trust, wills and anything else of value that you want to keep safe. One of our customers bought a used gun safe and stores rare books and vintage documents in it. Use your imagination and you can turn your newly installed gun safe into whatever you want or need it to be.

Where to buy your gun safe

You can buy your safe at a safe store, online or at department stores in town. We recommend going through your locksmith shop of choice as you’ll get the added benefit of sales, installation, set up and ongoing maintenance if ever needed in the future.

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